Time conflict with CRN : There is a course time conflict. One of these courses should be dropped.
Department Restriction: It shows that the department where you studied that semester does not allow you to take that course. It is stated in the course schedule from which department students can take that course.
Class Restriction: Indicates that the class prerequisite for this course is not met.
Prereguisite and Test Score error: Indicates that the course prerequisite is not met.
Level Restriction: It shows that the course (CRN and CODE) to be enrolled is not suitable for the level you are registered (undergraduate-internationaldual degree-graduate etc.)
Maximum Hours Exceed: Indicates that you have exceeded the maximum amount of course credit you can enroll in.
Reserve Closed: Indicates that there is no quota allocated for the program you are enrolled in or is full
Duplicate Course with Section CRN: Indicates that you want to register for another CRN opened for the same course.
Duplicate equivalent with Section CRN: Indicates that you want to enroll in equivalent courses.
You have made too many attempts to register this term: Indicates that you have tried too many times to get the lesson. In order to remove the restriction, you must apply to the Registrar’s with a petition.